
Creative Beauty,

You are found in the tips of tree branches just starting to bud,

The bulbs planted last fall that are just beginning to bloom,

You are found in the moment when

The paintbrush touches the canvas,

The moment that the pen touches the page.

You are found in the atom, and in the stars.


But Creative Beauty,

Could you be with us here for this hour?

And especially be with all those who will sing, and those

Who coax out sounds from keyboards and fretboards.


Invocation for Christmas Eve

Oh God of the still night,

we left behind the hustle and bustle of the world for this hour.

We have come seeking peace,

we have come to see our friends and family,

we have come to sing the familiar songs and to be reminded of the story of the child born in Bethlehem.


God be in us, and around us,

and with us now on this holy night,

as we remember that holy night so long ago.

And also to remind us of the hope that we have in each of our children, and of the hope that is born with each child,

for any night a child is born is a holy night.

Candlelighting Ritual

I developed this ritual to be a part of opening worship at recruiting events at Andover Newton Theological School.

One of the first things I heard on my first day seminary was the phrase "seminary is a team effort." Little did I know how true those professor's words really would be.


Discerning a call is also a community effort. It takes a community to shape and form you, as a minister, no matter what your ministry will be.


So now, I'd like to invite you to come forward and light a candle, for a person who helped you get here today. It could be someone who drove you, or a pastor who urged you to answer your call, or a friend or family member who prayer with you. Or someone else. When come forward to light your candle, you may share that person's name, with no elaboration.


Don't wait for the next person to sit down, just come up as you feel moved.


May we take the light of love from this community

out in to the world to brighten our pathways,

and when we need to rest or recharge

be challenged or affirmed

may that light guide us safely

to this community.


May the light hold us always

and may we hold the light always.

Pastoral Prayer:

Gracious Spirit of Life, Challenging Spirit of Love,

Felt in moments of beauty and happiness,

and needed in moments of grief, sadness, and loneliness,

we gather this morning in thanksgiving

and with the desire for more love.


We are thankful for the works of this church,

For a chance to sing, a chance to give,

a chance to speak, and a chance to rest.

I ask that you give guidance and wisdom to the leaders of this

congregation, and all who serve on committees.


I ask that we all be with the candidates and the aspirants who seek to enter into the ministry of our living tradition.


We all need a reminder to extend compassion

and forgiveness to others when they come up short.

We would ask the same of us.

We know that we are not perfect,

and may we never seek to be perfect,

but ask that we may be guided towards progress.


The war torn parts of our world so desperately need peace.

I ask for peace for the men, women and transgender individuals

who serve in our armed forces.

May they return home soon.


I ask for comfort, peace, and a listening ear for all those who are lonely, ill, in need of shelter, healing, food, and warmth.


May we all seek to understand how each of us are called to

be prophets, called to social justice, called to love, and called to co-create the Beloved Community.